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VPolyLine Class Reference

PolyLine shape. More...

#include <PolyLine.h>

Inheritance diagram for VPolyLine:

VShape List of all members.

Public Methods

void AddVertex (int x, int y)
 Add a vertex to the line.

void UpdateControlPoints ()
 Rescan points to update boundaries.

 VPolyLine ()
 VPolyLine (VPolyLine *)
VShapeClone ()
 Creates a copy of the shape.

virtual string Identify () const
 Identifies the class.

void Draw (ScreenState *, AppState *pApp)
 Draw the shape to the screen.

virtual void DrawWhileDragged (MouseEvent *, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 While shape is being dragged.

Flash Output
virtual FShapeRec* FlashSDKCreateShapeRecordForThisPoint (int *pnPoint, VPoint *ptCurrent)
 Adds the polyline's shape records when used in VShape::FlashSDKPushFrame.

virtual bool OnClick (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Shape has been clicked on.

virtual bool OnRightClick (VShape::MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *pState, AppState *pApp)
 Shape has been right clicked / tap + holded.

virtual bool OnDeSelect ()
 Shape has lost focus.

virtual bool OnDrag (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Shape has been dragged.

virtual VShapeOnDragCompleted (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Drag has finished.

virtual VPoint GetPoint (int index) const
 Returns specified point in the shape.

virtual void MovePoint (int index, int dx, int dy)
 Moves specified point in the shape.

virtual void SetPoint (int index, int x, int y)
 Overwrites specified point in the shape.

virtual void DeletePoint (int index)
 Deletes specified point in the shape.

virtual unsigned int PointCount () const
 Returns number of points in shape.

Protected Attributes

 Stores the points that make up the polyline.

unsigned int m_nLastDrawnPoint
 Point last drawn to screen--for efficient drawing while the shape is being constructed.

bool m_bSubObjectMode
 Stores whether the shape is in subobject (point editing) mode.

Detailed Description

PolyLine shape.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Wed Aug 29 19:58:56 2001 for Pocket Animator by doxygen1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001