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VShape Class Reference

Abstract shape class. More...

#include <Shape.h>

Inheritance diagram for VShape:

VEllipse VPolyLine List of all members.

Public Methods

 VShape ()
 VShape (VShape *)
virtual ~VShape ()
virtual VShape* Clone ()
 Creates a copy of the shape.

virtual void UpdateControlPoints ()
 Rescan points to update boundaries.

virtual bool InBounds (CPoint *, ScreenState *pState) const
 Is point in bounds of shape?

virtual bool InBounds (RECT *, ScreenState *pState) const
 Is shape in rect?

void CreateBlankKeyFrame (int frame)
 Creates a blank keyframe for this shape.

virtual void SetDC (CDC *)
 Sets the Device Context of the shape.

virtual CDC* GetDC ()
 Gets the Device Context of the shape.

int DeterminePoint (VPoint p, ScreenState *pState, int *pDist=NULL) const
 Find the index of the closest point on the shape to a specified point.

int DeterminePointOnLine (VPoint p, ScreenState *pState, int *pDist=NULL) const
 Find the index of the point ending the closest line on the shape to a specified point.

virtual string Identify () const
 Identifies inherited classes.

virtual void Draw (ScreenState *, AppState *pApp)
 Draw the shape to the screen.

virtual void DrawWhileDragged (MouseEvent *, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Draw while shape is being dragged.

Flash Output
virtual U16 FlashSDKPushFrame (FObjCollection *objsMovie, U16 uId, int nFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame, int nDepth, ScreenState *pState)
 Generic Flash output function-pushes one frame of the shape onto an FObjCollection.

virtual FShapeRec* FlashSDKCreateShapeRecordForThisPoint (int *pnPoint, VPoint *ptCurrent)
 Overrideable function that works with VShape::FlashSDKPushFrame.

virtual bool FlashSDKShouldIExportThisShape (int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame, ScreenState *pState)
 Determine if this shape should be exported.

FMatrix* FlashSDKCreateTransformationMatrix (int nFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame)
 Creates a transformation matrix for a specific frame.

FRect* FlashSDKCreateBoundsRect (int nFrame)
 Creates a bounds rectangle for the shape at a specific frame.

bool FlashSDKDoesThisFrameWantAMorphShape (int nCurrentFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame)
 Find if a certain frame has an operation which would require a morph shape.

bool FlashSDKShouldIGiveThisFrameAMorphShape (int nCurrentFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame)
 Find if a certain frame should be given a morph shape.

int FlashSDKFindLastMorphFrame (int nCurrentFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame)
 Finds the first frame that is previous to nCurrentFrame that wants a morph shape.

int FlashSDKFindNextMorphFrame (int nCurrentFrame, int nStartFrame, int nEndFrame)
 Finds the first frame that is after nCurrentFrame that wants a morph shape.

virtual bool OnClick (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Shape has been clicked on.

virtual bool OnRightClick (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Shape has been right clicked / tap + holded.

virtual bool OnSelect ()
 Shape has been selected.

virtual bool OnDeSelect ()
 Shape has lost focus.

virtual bool OnDrag (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Shape has been dragged (called while being dragged).

virtual VShape* OnDragCompleted (MouseEvent *e, ScreenState *, AppState *)
 Drag has finished.

virtual void OnFrameChanged (int frame)
 Frame has been changed.

Property Iterators
virtual VGenericPropertyGetProperty (int index)
 Get a property from the shape.

virtual int PropertyCount () const
 The number of properties in the shape.

Point Iterators
virtual VPoint GetPoint (int index) const
 Returns specified point in the shape.

virtual void MovePoint (int index, int dx, int dy)
 Moves specified point in the shape.

virtual void SetPoint (int index, int x, int y)
 Overwrites specified point in the shape.

virtual unsigned int PointCount () const
 Returns number of points in shape.

Public Attributes

bool m_bActive
 Shape is selected.

VMoveTransform move
VRotateTransform rotate
VScaleTransform scale
VProperty_LineWidth linewidth
 Height of line.

VProperty_ColorFill colorfill
 Color of fill.

VProperty_ColorLine colorline
 Color of line.

VProperty_Opacity opacity
 Opacity (of fill and line).

Protected Attributes

VPoint ptmin
 Top left corner of shape (scale).

VPoint ptmax
 Bottom right corner of shape (proportional scale).

VPoint ptmidleft
 Center left of shape (rotate).

VPoint ptmidright
 Center right of shape (rotate).

 Device Context.

int currentframe
 Current frame of shape.

Detailed Description

Abstract shape class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Wed Aug 29 19:58:57 2001 for Pocket Animator by doxygen1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001